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National Luna prides itself with being a manufacturer of high-quality products aimed at the 4×4, camping and caravaning markets.
National Luna has a strong background in portable, low-power refrigeration and LED / fluorescent lighting, originally used in remote areas where power is at a premium.
In addition to these two product lines, National Luna has developed a range of battery management systems and monitors for use in 4×4 vehicles, caravans, trailers, boats, solar and other battery applications.
National Luna has also recently opened a Marine division, aimed at the supply of refrigeration and hot-water systems for use in marine environments.
Fridges and Freezers Originally used as vaccine refrigerators in remote locations, the National Luna range of portable camping & mobile fridges have been optimised for 4×4 and recreational use. The full range boasts superior cooling power, ultra high efficiency and the convenience of running on 12-volt, 24-volt or 230 volt. |
Portable Systems National Luna’s portable systems is the ideal solution to today’s modern vehicles that cannot accommodate a second battery. |
Installed Systems The National Luna Dual battery isolator uses a high-strength solenoid, minimising voltage loss and increasing durability. |
Battery Monitors and Controllers National Luna has developed a range of battery monitors which can be used in just about any 12-volt application. The monitors use digital technology and a simple-to-understand 14-stage colour display. |
Lights National Luna has a huge range of 12-volt and 24-volt caravan and camping fluorescent lights as well as a new range of compact and efficient LED lights. The entire range has been designed for ultra-low power consumption and long life. All lights are tested to comply with emission requirements and provide superior lumen output without sacrificing power consumption. |
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